The Challenges in Arizona Divorce

Difficulty in Divorce
Filing divorce can be a very complicated thing in many ways for both individuals involved. Filing divorce is a permanent action taken by two individuals who once were in love but have grown out of their feelings for each other. In many divorce cases children are the innocent victims of two parents going their separate ways and is an event that is life changing in many aspects of all involved. Divorce is one of those events in when nobody really wins. Sometimes it can get ugly, sometimes it is amicable. It truly depends on the two individuals involved. Often times both sides will hire Phoenix divorce attorneys to represent them.

When two people file for divorce, they must face the fact that what they have built together is no more and not just emotionally but financially as well. They must both agree to divide certain debts, and assets that they have built up together. These issues can be very sensitive and pressing. In some cases, this can cause a divorce from being amicable to hostile quickly resulting in a trial. The court and Phoenix divorce attorneys will usually meet with a mediator in order to assist the couple in coming to terms in all financial aspects of the divorce.

The other thing that couples must agree on is visitation time with their children and child custody case. They must decide if they will agree to joint custody, sole custody, or legal custody. This issue can be just as complicated and difficult for both parents involved because both usually want to maintain a very active role in their children’s lives. If they are not able to reach an agreement than they risk allowing a judge to decide for them at trial.

Filing divorce is difficult emotionally, and mentally draining for both parties involved. In some cases, many couples have already decided prior to filing what they will do with assets and custody issues. This is often referred to as an uncontested divorce. There are many Phoenix divorce attorneys who offer a flat rate when it comes to Arizona Uncontested Divorce. If you need experienced Phoenix divorce attorneys, call us today.